รศ.ดร.ชาญวิทย์  ลีลายุวัฒน์

คุณวุฒิ :

ระดับปริญญาตรี              ปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรบัณฑิต (เทคนิคการแพทย์) เกียรตินิยมอันดับ 1
                                                จาก มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล  เมื่อ พ.ศ. 2526         
ระดับปริญญาโท                 ปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (พยาธิวิทยาคลินิก) 
                                               จาก มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล  เมื่อ พ.ศ. 2529
ระดับปริญญาเอก                ปริญญา Doctor of Philosophy (Molecular Immunology)
                                                จาก  The University of Western Australia ประเทศออสเตรเลียเมื่อ พ.ศ. 2538

E-mail :
ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ :
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ระดับ 9
Research interest :

•  Immunogenetics
•  Molecular Immunology
•  Molecular Biology
•  Tissue Typing
•  Major Histocompatibility Complex

Publication :

1.  Lertmemongkolchai, G., Manmontri, W., Leelayuwat, C., Romphruk, A. and Waropastrakul, S. Immunoblot analysis to demonstrate antigenic variability of clinical isolated Pseudomonas pseudomallei. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 9:5-8, 1991. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                2.  Romphruk, A., Urwijitaroon, Y., Leelayuwat, C and Meesang, M. Modified Microplate Technique for Rh (D) Typing. J Med Tech Ass Thailand 20:123-127, 1992. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                3. Leelayuwat, C., Abraham, L.J., Tabarias, H., Christiansen, F.T. and Dawkins, R.L. Genomic organisation of a polymorphic duplicated region centromeric of HLA-B. Immunogenetics 36: 208-212, 1992.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                4. Leelayuwat, C., Abraham, L.J., Tabarias, H.A., Mann, A.J., Grimsley, G., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Zhang, W.J., Christiansen, F.T. and Dawkins, R.L. Haplospecific polymorphism in a duplicated region centromeric of HLA-B. In K. Tsuji, M. Aizawa and T. Sasazuki (eds.) HLA 1991, Vol 2, pp. 172-175, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                5. Abraham, L.J., Leelayuwat, C., Grimsley, G., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Mann, A., Zhang, W.J., Christiansen, F.T. and Dawkins, R.L. Sequence differences between HLA-B and TNF distinguish different MHC ancestral haplotypes. Tissue Antigens 39: 117-121, 1992. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                6. Degli-Esposti, M.A., Leelayuwat, C.,  and Dawkins, R.L. Ancestral haplotypes carry haplotypic and haplospecific polymorphisms of BAT1 : Possible relevance to autoimmune disease. Eur J Immunogenet 19: 121-127, 1992. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                7. Zhang, W.J., Wu, X., Witt, C., Leelayuwat, C., Abraham, L.J., Grimsley, G., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Christiansen, F.T. and Dawkins, R.L. New genomic markers between the HLA-B and TNF loci define MHC ancestral haplotypes. In K. Tsuji, M. Aizawa and T. Sasazuki (eds.) HLA 1991, Vol 2, pp. 176-179, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                8. Leelayuwat, C., Zhang, W.J., Abraham, L.J., Townend, D.C., Gaudieri, G. and Dawkins, R.L. Differences in the central major histocompatibility complex between humans and chimpanzees : Implications for development of autoimmunity and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Hum Immunol 38:30-41, 1993.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                9. Marshall, B., Leelayuwat, C., Abraham, L.J., Pinelli, M. and Dawkins, R.L. Large transcripts and sequence from a polymorphic 170 kb MHC region implicated in susceptibility
to autoimmune disease. Immunogenetics 39:15-20, 1993. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                10. Marshall, B., Leelayuwat, C., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Pinelli, M., Abraham, L.J. and Dawkins, R.L. New Major Histocompatibility Complex Genes. Hum Immunol 38:25-29, 1993. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                11. Abraham, L.J., Grimsley, G., Leelayuwat, C., Townend, D.C., Pinelli, M., Christiansen, F.T. and Dawkins, R.L. A Region Centromeric of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Region Is as Highly Polymorphic as HLA-B: Implications for Recombination. Hum Immunol 38:75-82, 1993. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                12. Leelayuwat, C., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Taylor, E., Abraham, L.J. and Dawkins, R.L. PCR SSCP reveals haplotype related polymorphism of PERB1 : A new marker for MHC block typing. Eur J Immunogenet 21:431-446, 1994.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                13. Leelayuwat, C., Townend, D.C., Degli-Esposti, M.A, Abraham, L.J. and Dawkins, R.L. A new polymorphic and multicopy MHC gene family related to nonmammalian class I. Immunogenetics 40:339-351, 1994.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                14. Degli-Esposti, M.A, Leelayuwat, C., Daly, L., Carcassi, C., Contu, L, Versluis, L., Tilanus, M.G.J., Dawkins, R.L. Updated characterization of ancestral haplotypes using the Fourth Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility Workshop Panel. Human Immunol 44: 12-18, 1995 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                15. Leelayuwat C., Pinelli, M. and Dawkins, R.L. Clustering of diverse replicated sequences in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) : Evidence for en bloc duplication. J Immunol 155: 692-698, 1995.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                16. Leelayuwat, C.,  Abraham, L.J., Pinelli, M., Townend, D.C., Wilks, A.F. and Dawkins, R.L.   The primate MHC contains sequences related to the fibroblast growth factor receptor gene family. Tissue Antigens  48: 59-64, 1996.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                17. Leelayuwat, C., Hollinsworth, P., Pummer, S., Lertmemongkolchai, G., Graeme, T., Mullberg, J., Witt, C., Kaufman, J., Cosman, D., and Dawkins, R.L. Antibody reactivity profiles following immunisation with diverse peptides of the PERB11 (MIC) family. Clin Exp Immunol 106:568-576, 1996  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                18. Townend, D., Gaudieri, S., Leelayuwat, C., Tay, G., Degli-Esposti, M. and Dawkins, R.L.  Genomic strucutre of a 200kb region between HLA-C and TNF:  Implications in Transplantation, Autoimmune diseases and Evolution.  DNA Sequence  7 : 55-59, 1996. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                19. Romphruk,  A., Barusrux, S., Puapairoj, C., Urwijitaroon, Y., Romphruk, Ar. and Leelayuwat, C. Distribution of HLA-A and B in Northeastern Thais. J Med Assoc Thai. 79 : 732-736, 1996 (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                20. Leelayuwat C, Srisuk T, Paechaiyaphum R, Limpaiboon T, Romphruk A and Romphruk AV. Production and Evaluation of Taq DNA Polymerase.  J Med Assoc Thai 80 : Suppl. 1. S129-S137, 1997.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                21. Leelayuwat, C., Gaudieri, S., Mullberg, J., Cosman, D., and Dawkins, R.L.  Interlocus sequence analysis of the PERB11 gene family : implication for rapid diversification to different functions. In D Charon ed. Proceedings of the 12th IHWC Genetic Diversity of HLA: Functional and Medical Implications. Medical and Scientific International, Paris,1997, p217-219.  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                22. Gaudieri, S., Leelayuwat, C., Townend, D., Mullberg, J., Cosman, D. and Dawkins, R.L. Allelic and interlocus comparison of the PERB11 multigene family in the MHC. Immunogenetics 45 : 209-216, 1997. (หัวหน้าโครงการร่วม)
                23. Tay, G.K., Leelayuwat, C., Chorney M.J., Cattley S.K., Hollingsworth, P.N., Witt, C.S., Daly,  L.N., Hughes, A. and Dawkins R.L. The MHC contains multiple genes potentially relevant to hemochromatosis. Immunogenetics 45 : 336-340, 1997. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                24. Romphruk AV, Leelayuwat C, Barusrux S, Puapairoj C, Romphruk Ar and Urwijitaroon Y. DNA Typing of the HLA-A, -B and -C Genes : Possible MHC Class I Haplotypes in the Northeastern-Thais.  J Med Assoc Thai 80 : Suppl. 1. S13-S19, 1997. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                25. Gaudieri, S, Leelayuwat, C, Townend, D,  Kulski, JK, and Dawkins, RL. Genomic characterisation of the region between HLA-B and TNF: Implications for the evolution of multicopy gene families. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44 : 147-154, 1997 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
               26. Gaudieri, S., Leelayuwat, C., Tay, G., Townend, D. and Dawkins, R.L.  The MHC contains polymorphic genomic sequences which are shuffled by recombination to form ethnic specific haplotypes.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 45: 17-23, 1997 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                27. Dawkins R, Leelayuwat C, Gaudieri S, Tay G, Hui J, Cattley S, Martinez P and Kulski J. Genomics of the major histocompatibility complex: haplotypes, duplication, retroviruses and disease. Immunological Reviews  167, pp.275-304, 1999 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
               28. Allcock RJ, Price P, Gaudieri S, Leelayuwat C, Witt CS, Dawkins RL. Characterisation of the Human Central MHC Gene, BAT1: Genomic Structure and Expression. Exp Clin Immunogenet 16(2):98-106, 1999 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
              29. Romphruk AV, Puapairoj C, Romphruk A,  Barusrux S, Urwijitaroon Y and Leelayuwat C. The distributions of HLA-DRB1/DQB1 alleles and haplotypes in the Northeastern Thai population : Indicative of a distinct Thai population with Chinese admixtures in the Central Thais. Eur J Immunogenet  26(2) : 129-134, 1999 (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
              30. Cattley SK, Longman N, Gaudieri S, Dawkins RL and Leelayuwat C. Phylogenetic analysis of primate PERB11(MIC) sequences suggests that the representation of the gene family differs in different primates. Eur J Immunogenet  26(2) : 233-238, 1999 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
              31. Tay GK, Hui J, Gaudieri S, Schmitt-Egenolf, Martinez OP,  Leelayuwat C, Williamson JF, Eiermann TH and Dawkins RL. PERB11 (MIC) : a polymorphic MHC gene is expressed in skin and single nucleotide polymorphisms are associated with psoriasis. Clin Exp Immunol 119 : 553-558, 2000. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
              32. Dunn DS, Williamson JF, Cattley SK, Tay GK, Guadieri S, Leelayuwat C and Dawkins RL. Co-evolution of HLA-B and PERB11.1 (MICA) : Significance of independent triplet expansion within the transmembrane region of PERB11.1 (MICA). J Mol Evol  50 :359-65., 2000. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
             33. Leelayuwat C, Romphruk A, Lulitanon A, Trakulsomboon S and Dramalikitkul V.  Genotype analysis of Burkolderia pseudomallei using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Acta Tropica 2000 (in press) (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
             34. Romphruk AV, Akahat J, Srivanichrak P, Puapairoj C, Romphruk A and Leelayuwat C. Genotyping of human platelet antigens in ethnic northeastern Thais by the polymerase chain reaction – sequence specific primer technique.  J Med Assoc Thai  83 : 1333-1339, 2000. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
             35. Komatsu-Wakui M, Tokunaga K, Ishikawa Y, Leelayuwat C, Kashiwase K, Tanaka H, Moriyama S, Nakajima F, Park MH, Jia GJ, Chimge NO, Sideltseva EW and Juji T. Wide distribution of the MICA-MICB null haplotype in East Asians. Tissue Antigens 57: 1-8, 2001. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
            36. A.V. Romphruk, T.K. Naruse, A. Romphruk, H. Kawata, C. Puapairoj, J.K. Kulski, C. Leelayuwat, H.Inoko. Diversity of MICA (PERB11.1 ) and HLA haplotypes in Northeastern Thais. Tissue Antigens 58: 83-89, 2001 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
             37 J K Kulski, D Dunn, J Hui, P Martinez, AV Romphruk, C Leelayuwat, G Tay,  A Oka, H Inoko. Alu polymorphism within the MICB gene and association with MHC haplotypes. Immunogenetics 53: 975-979, 2002. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
             38. C Choonhakarn, AV Romphruk, C Puapairoj, K Jirarattanapochai, A Romphruk and C Leelayuwat. Haplotype associations of the major histocompatibility complex with psoriasis in northeastern-Thais. Int J Dermatol 41:330-334, 2002. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
            39. Cheepsattayakorn R, L Fongsatitkul , AV. Romphruk, T Bhoopat, HF. Steger, C Leelayuwat and S Chomsook. The B weak Phenotype in a Thai Family. Thai Journal of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine  12: 77-90, 2002 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                40 A.V. Romphruk, A. Oka, A. Romphruk, M. Tomizawa, C. Choonhakarn, T.K.  Naruse, C. Puapairoj, G Tamiya, C. Leelayuwat, H. Inoko Corneodesmosin gene: no evidence supported for PSORS 1 gene in Northeastern Thai psoriasis patients. Tissue Antigens 62;217-224, 2003. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                41 A. Romphruk, K. Phonaegn, J. Chotechai, C. Puapairoj, C. Leelayuwat,  A.V. Romphruk. HLA-B*15 subtypes in Northeastern-Thais. Eur J Immunogenet 30:153-158, 2003. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                42. Leelayuwat C and Romphruk AV. Molecular techniques in routine medical laboratory : HLA typing by KKU SSP typing kit. J Med Tech Assoc Thailand 31: 292-307, 2003. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                43 A.V. Romphruk, A. Romphruk, C. Choonhakarn, C. Puapairoj, H. Inoko and C. Leelayuwat. MHC Class I Chain-Related Gene A (MICA) In Thai Psoriasis Patients:  MICA Association as a Part of HLA-B-Cw Haplotypes. Tissue Antigens 63: 547-54, 2004  (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                44 D.S. Dunn, A.V. Romphruk, C. Leelayuwat, M. Bellgard and J.K. Kulski. Polymorphic Alu insertions and their associations with MHC class I alleles and haplotypes in the Northeastern Thais. Annals Hum Genetics 69: 364-372, 2005. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                45 Kitcharoen, K, Witt, CS, Romphruk, AV, Christiansen, FT and Leelayuwat, C. MICA, MICB and MHC beta block matching in bone marrow transplantation: Relevance to transplantation outcome. Human Immunol 67:238-246, 2006. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                46 A. Jumnainsong, A. V. Romphruk, P. Jearanaikoon, K. Klumkrathok, A Romphruk,S. Luanrattanakorn and C. Leelayuwat. Association of polymorphic extracellular domains of MICA with cervical cancer in northeastern Thai population. Tissue Antigens 69: 326-333, 2007. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                47. Supaprom C,  Wang D, Leelayuwat C, Thaewpia W, Susaengrat W, Koh V, Ooi EE,  Lertmenongkolchai G and Liu Y. Development of Real-Time PCR Assays and Evaluation of Their Potential Use fpr Rapid Detection o Buukholderia pseudomallei in Clinical Blood Specimens. J Clin Microbiol 45; 2894-2901, 2007  (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                48. Wanrum S, Limpaiboon T, Leelayuwat C, Yaenyao P, Luanratanakorn S and Jearanaikoon P. Development of method for integrated HPV 16 detection in cervical carcinoma using multiplex quantitative PCR. J Med Tech Phys Ther  19: 6-15, 2007. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                49. Yussara M, Leelayuwat C, Urwijitaroon Y, Barusrux S, Promwong J, Tadein R. Prevalence of hepatitis virus infections in the first donating blood donors at the regional Yala Hospital during 2001-2005. J Med Tech Phys Ther  19: 16-24, 2007. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                50. Jearanaikoon P, Nattasirikul N, Kaewpo W, Wanrum S, Leelayuwat C, Puapairoj A, Limpaiboon T. Tapasin expression in cervical cancinoma. J Med Tech Phys Ther  19: 55-63, 2007. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                51. Barusrux S, Wongsena W, Leelayuwat C, Puapairoj A, Jearanaigoon P, Yuenyao P, Romphruk A, Nanok C. Immunohistochemical staining for MICA expression in cervical cancer cells. J Health Res 22: 35-42, 2008. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                52. Wilai Pattoom, Yupa Urwijitaroon, Pranom Pattoom, Sasithon Padsan, Chanvit Leelayuwat  and Kunnika Kuaha.  Prevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV Infections in First-time Blood Donors at Somdejphrachaotaksin Maharaj Hospital, Tak Province, During 2001-2005.. Thai Journal of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine  18 ( 2), 101-108, 2008. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                53. Duangchanchot M, Romphruk A, Puapairoj C, Kongmaroeng C, Leelayuwat C and Romphruk AV. Detection of HLA-B*27 in Thais, Burmese and Karens. J Med Tech Phys Ther  20: 194-200, 2008. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                54. Tongchusak S, Leelayuwat C, Brusic V, Chaiyaroj SC.  In silico prediction and immunological validation of common HLA-DRB1-restricted T cell epitopes of Candida albicans secretory aspartyl proteinase 2.  Microbiol Immunol 52(4):231-242, 2008. (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                55. Jumnainsong A, Jearanaikoon P, Khahmahpahte S, Wongsena W, Romphruk AV, Chumworathayi B, Vaeteewoottacharn K, Ponglikitmongkol M, Romphruk A, Leelayuwat C. Associations of MICB with cervical cancer in northeastern Thais: Identification of MICB motifs influencing NK cell activation. Clin Exp Immunol 153: 205-213, 2008 (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                56. Wongsena W, Sconocchia G, Cho HS, Chang CC, Wang X, Klumkrathok K, Ferrone S, and Leelayuwat C. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against MHC class I chain related gene A (MICA). Tissue Antigens 72(5):431-40, 2008. (หัวหน้าโครงการ)
                57. Duangchanchot M, Puapairoj C, Romphruk A, Kongmaroeng C, Leelayuwat C , Romphruk AV. HLA-B*27 subtypes in northern and northeastern Thais, Karens  and Bamars determined by a high resolution PCR-SSP technique. Tissue Antigens 73: 590-594, 2009 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                58. Kongmaroeng C, Romphruk  A, Ruangwerayut  R, Paupairoj C, Leelayuwat C, Inoko H, Romphruk AV. HLA-B*15 subtypes in Burmese population by SBT. Tissue Antigens 74; 164-167, 2009 (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย)
                59. Chan-on W, Kuwahara K, Kobayashi N, Ohta K, Shimazaki T, Sripa B, Leelayuwat C and Sakaguchi N. Cholangiocarcinomas associated with long-term inflammation express the activation-induced cytidine deaminase and germinal center-associated nuclear protein involved in immunoglobulin V-region diversification. Int J Oncol 35: 287-295, 2009 (หัวหน้าโครงการร่วม)
                60. Romphruk AV, Romphruk A, Naruse TK, Raroengjai S, Puapairoj C, Inoko H and Leelayuwat C. Polymorphisms of NKG2D ligands: diverse RAET1/ULBP genes in northeastern Thais. Immunogenetics DOI: 10.1007/s00251-009-0394-7 (in press) Impact factor 2008 = 2.793 (Journal Citation Reports, 2008) (หัวหน้าโครงการ)


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