อาจารย์ ดร. นิชา เจริญศรี
Dr. Nicha Charoensri


BSc. (Medical Technology), Chiang Mai University
MSc. (Microbiology), Chiang Mai University
PhD. (Microbiology and Immunology), McGill University, Canada

Academic Position




Research area

Molecular biology of virus
Bacterial genetics


  1. Chopjitt P, Ekalaksananan T, Pientong C, Kongyingyoes B, Kleebkaow P, Charoensri N Prevalence of human papillomavirus type 16 and its variants in abnormal squamous cervical cells in Northeast Thailand. Int J Infect Dis. 2009 13;212-215
  2.  Chaiwongkot A, Pientong C, Ekalaksananan T, Kongyingyoes B, Kleepkaew P, Sriamporn S, Charoensri N. Development of in situ hybridization with tyramide signal amplification (ISH with TSA) for human papilomavirus (HPV) detection using biotin labeled universal oligonucleotide probe (BLOP). KKU J (GS) วารสารวิจัย มข. (บศ.) 7 (1) 2550 : 105-114
  3. Lulitanond A. Chanawong A, Sribenjalux P, Kaewkes W, Charoensri N, Leumsai D, and Monpou P. 2005. Occurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin in Srinagarind hospital. J Infect Dis Antimicrob Agents.9-14.